
How to get to Domaine de Grolhier

Map to find Domaine de Grolhier

Domaine de Grolhier is situated in the county of Dordogne, in the region of Aquitaine in South West France.

The closest airports to the property are Limoges (56km), Bergerac (116km), Poitiers (124km), Bordeaux (175km) and La Rochelle (192km). Closest railway stations are Angouleme (50km) and Limoges (64km)

A private VIP bus:
We have negotiated an excellent deal with our local bus company for our clients. A private bus with driver will pick-up all your guests from Limoges / Bergerac / Bordeaux airport (or another location) and bring them all to Domaine de Grolhier. Please get in touch for your personalised quote. Minibus transfers are also possible.

A rental car (50 minutes drive from Limoges airport):
There are various rental agencies present at the airport, here are few:

A Taxi:
If you’d rather not hire a car, we can organise a taxi for you from Limoges airport or Angouleme railway station.

By train:
TGV Train (from Charles de Gaulle Airport. Trip is 3 hours to Angouleme. From there another 40 minutes in a taxi / rental-car to Domaine de Grolhier
Classic train (From Montparnasse or Austerlitz train station in Paris). Trip is just over 3 hours to Limoges. From there another 60 in a taxi / rental-car to Domaine de Grolhier

Alternatively, if you prefer to drive, the closest ferry terminals are:
St Malo, 485km
Caen, 513km
Le Havre, 581km
Calais, 738km

The GPS Co-ordinates are: Lat: 45:39:53N (45.6647) Lon: 0:40:44E (0.6789)